Tuesday, February 3, 2009

thing 3

Done before it's time - in order to try and find my kids, nieces and nphews, etc , and find out what's so great about this. Still don't know

All I've discovered is that some people must have a lot of time on their hands or are just MAKING TIME to do a whole lot of babbling about a whole lot of nothing! Not my thing. Altho it's really comical to read!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Twice in one day?????

Can you believe it????
Anyhow , since I don't blog I did it incorrectly, by posting a comment to myself - too funny (or maybe just really sad) Anyhow here is my first impression of RSS:

My gmail show i subscribed to several things I hope this RSS thing is done. Too confused to know what it's really for as I really don't blog anytime/anywhere!!!!
Maybe i should change my name to Frustrated corner tech gal

Thing 2 RSS??????

Hey I got thru another thing! Don't know how, don't know why and I probably won't be able to EVER explain it, but I'm plodding thru with the rest of you out there in Playtime land.

After all I couldn't let my leader down on her BIRTHDAY so I bit the bullet, and am thru with this one! Thank Goodness! ONWARD

Monday, January 19, 2009

I did it!

With little or no effort, (HA), I am done with this step!